Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve !

Merry Christmas Eve to all!

As a child, before I had accepted Christ, today was the day full of Christmas parties and eating. Perhaps we would open a present or two, and of course, we would greatly anticipate the next day - Christmas! Duh, Santa! Mostly for the food, presents, and company of close family and friends.

Now, as a born again Christian with children of my own, I am excited that today is Christmas Eve. We know that no one is absolutely sure of the day of Christ’s birth, but we commemorate it on December 25th. I am excited because it is a wonderful time to remember our savior and what He did for us. Without His birth, we would not have a chance at eternal life. We would not have forgiveness.

I am more than delighted to teach my children about this! How much more significant it is to have the true meaning behind Christmas at the forefront of your mind, instead of the non-issue, non-important parts about Christmas. Really, who cares about the presents??? We received the greatest gift of all already 2012 years ago! And anyone can accept this gift, even today.

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